• Solid Management
  • Reliable Quality
  • Doing our utmost
  • Aiming for Co-Prosperity

Offering BEST WARE with the best technology

As our company has steadily progressed for over half a century, this corporate philosophy of ours-a steadfast commitment to using technology to answer the needs of an ever faster-moving, information-based society-has served as the basis for earning our customers' trust in our products. Ever since our company was founded in 1919, we have always stayed a step ahead of society's needs and adjusted our corporate structure accordingly. We have succeeded in building a firm base as a manufacturer specializing in electric wires and cables, and with our customers' support we have witnessed stable growth. All the while, we have led the industry in pioneering a great number of new technological advances, and we have always put forth our best effort, hoping to win our customers' enduring trust in the quality and technology of each of our products. We will continue to deliver BEST WARE that offer foresight and creativity, while doing all that we can to contribute to a greater variety of industry domains and to society as a whole.